On 18 March, Graffiti Artist Andy Mills – aka Title – from Birmingham worked with 10 former and current youth group members to create two murals. This project is part of the refurbishment of our music room, so one illustrates the word MUSIC. The other is more poignant: “Our teenage groups suggested that we dedicate a big board to Jack Bilboe, a youth group member who died from a cardiac arrest in August 2018.” Brad, Lead Youth Worker. His friends unanimously agreed that a design around Jack’s trademark bike would be a fitting tribute.
“The graffiti workshop was organised for everyone who knew Jack and wanted to be involved in a part of the Centre that is now dedicated to Bilboe, the friend and character we all remember.” Brad, Lead Youth Worker
One of the workshop participants said that it is great to have a permanent reminder of Jack in the Centre, where they all benefitted from the support of the youth groups.