Pershore Riverside Centre Lottery

Please consider signing up to our Small Charity Lottery. All money that you contribute will go directly towards essential youth support carried out at Pershore Riverside Centre. The draw takes place on the first working day of each month and the winner of the £50 prize will be notified by email. Good luck!

Congratulations to our 2024 winners;

January 2024 Joanna Richardson

February 2024 Lyn Hancock

March 2024 Carol Christmas

April 2024 Angela Dakin

May 2024 Art Lavelle

June 2024 Jackie Ludlow

To join the Lottery, complete and submit the form below.
You will then receive an automated response to confirm receipt.

Within a couple of days Abi will email payment details and your all-important lottery ticket number(s). Please use these numbers in the payment reference for your bank transaction.
London, EC1R 3AL

Click here for our Lottery Terms & Conditions