We are very grateful to the following organisations and individuals for their donations, grants and advice over the rather challenging last 2 years. As well as directly supporting our Covid response and the needs of young people, we have also been able to refurbish and re-equip the Centre to reduce running costs, make it more attractive to a wider range of hirers, and increase the ongoing financial & environmental sustainability of the charity.
Friends of Pershore Hospital: Baby Club running costs, flyer production, and the remaining costs to refurbishing our hall floor.
Kate at Click Click Collective: Arts workshops in the Summer Activity Weeks
Clifton-Crick Sharp & Co Accountants: Payroll support
Children in Need: Funding to put towards training
Dan Boatright: Personal fundraising for an interactive whiteboard, and a council grant to cover cost of centre maintenance work to increase safety.
Pershore Rotary Club:. Creating a young people’s survey to assess needs & future options for youth work
Pershore Plum Plodders: Donation towards Christmas projects.
Rachel from Pershore Deli for teaching young people to cook & providing nutritious meals for kids facing Holiday Hunger
Sandfields Farm’s – G’s-Fresh: Weekly cleaning
The William A Cadbury Charitable Trust: Contribution towards essential repairs to the hall floor
West Mercia Police Community Fund: Detached/outreach work
We are also grateful to the following organisations, catering for a wide range of ages & activities, who contribute greatly to the charity’s income: Children’s Society, Extend Chair-based Exercises, Friends of Pershore Care Centre, St John Ambulance, Pershore & Evesham Parkinson’s Friendship Group, Sing for Health, U3A Committee, U3A Recorder Group, U3A Ukelele, Worcestershire Association of Carers, Worcestershire Parent & Carers’ Community, Yoga Bellies,. The boat store is home to Bonkers Activities and the fleet of Wychavon Kayak & Canoe Club.
Active Hereford & Worcestershire (in partnership with Sports England’s Tackling Inequalities Fund): a nutritionist supporting SEND young people & their families
Adam Thorne: 1:1 academic support for individuals in need during Covid
Avon Navigation Trust: Maintaining the wheelieboat & pontoon
Dan Boatright: Funding the hall redecoration & artwork.
Kate at Click Click Collective: Arts workshops in the Summer Activity Weeks
Clifton-Crick Sharp & Co Accountants: Payroll support
Friends of Pershore Hospital: Replacement kitchen equipment & facilitating a Healthy Living Project for young people.
Joanie’s Fund via Hereford Community Foundation: Additional Youth Work hours in Covid
Meadow Arts: Providing opportunities for young people to be creative in the community
Pershore Flower Club: Updating the office equipment and furniture to improve efficiency
Pershore Civic Society: Community Room furniture
Pershore Plum Plodders: Remote-access CCTV
Pershore Rotary Club: Community Room electrical works, decorating & 4 Chromebooks.
Pershore Round Table: Much-needed dishwasher for youth groups & fundraising events
Pershore Town Council: Redecorating the Community Room to facilitate lettings
Tesco Bags of Hope: Specialist youth worker time during Covid
Thomson & Bancks Solicitors: Legal advice
Worcestershire Community Foundation: Covid-19 response youth worker hours & temporary marquee
Wychavon District Council: Grant funding for Summer Activity Weeks, alleviating Holiday Hunger & re-equiping the music room (Community Grants & Social Mobility Grants)
WCC Trustees Dan Boatright, Liz Tucker, Rob Adams: Essential building improvements
On-line payments from supporters using Easyfundraising & Amazon Smile
Gifts in kind from the following were also very well received at the Centre & among the wider community: Eckington Open Gardens, Fare Share (Asda & Tesco)), Pershore bakeries: Pershore Town Football Club, Worcester Waitrose‘s chef .