SEND Weekend Clubs
Saturday Club (15-18 year olds), 3.00pm – 6.00pm
“I’d just like to say, and for you to pass on, how fantastically amazing the 16+ club on Saturday is! Sam and his friends absolutely love it and Sam for one is always checking it’s on! Making sure he has money or change in his wallet and getting himself ready!! These are the types of incredible secondary advances in independence that need to be documented and celebrated.” Karen
Sunday Club (8-14 year olds), 10.30am – 1.30pm
Every Sunday we run an inclusion club for young people who may need a little extra support because of disabilities or other additional needs. This is funded through Worcestershire County Council’s Short Breaks Service for eligible families.
Great for the young people Relatively small group, familiar faces, great staff and volunteers. making the most of the centres equipment and facilities and enabling anyone and everyone to join in. If you are interested, contact the Centre for more information.
Great for the parents and the families Parents are able to use the time to give them a short break, some personal space, a chance for a quiet cup of coffee or uninterrupted shopping. The staff are dedicated to working out what’s best for you, the young people and the sessions. Brothers and sisters may be welcome to join in too.
Activities, arts crafts, cooking, sports and music There’s always a theme and something to do. The centre has an amazing array of toys and equipment, much of which was chosen by this group, with their needs in mind. Cooking is a firm favourite, and there are always arts materials available.
“Sunday Club is fabulous, S goes every week and absolutely loves it! So do many of his friends. This opportunity for the children is priceless, bringing consistency, routine and familiarity, which are so important for young people with additional needs. The secret of its success is that the team, then the families, and later the children build trust, rapport and confidence, leading to bonds and friendship. This process takes longer for families facing challenges and needs more support and dedication to get it right, and the Sunday team provide that. They all understand the children and the parents, and know just how much the club helps and means to us all.”

She loves coming to see her friends, it’s one of the highlights of her week.. The Youth Workers are so friendly and welcoming. The atmosphere is lovely”.
“As a mum I look forward to coming and putting the world to rights with the other mums. Youth workers are friendly and keen”